Friday, December 16, 2011

Holiday Matinee Concert Schedule

Our holiday matinee concert schedule is as follows:

Brandon Elementary:  Tuesday @ 9:00am
Robert Bennis Elementary:  Thursday @ 1:15pm
Fred Assam Elementary:  Friday @ 8:45am

Please feel free to join us at any one of our matinee performances for our different elementary campuses!

to the 5th grade band students on their outstanding performance at their District Elementary Band/Orchestra Holiday Concert this past Monday!  I am so proud of all that you have accomplished so far this year and I look forward to making more music with you next semester!  Remember to keep practicing over the holiday break!

Until next time....
Mr. Hubers

Friday, December 9, 2011

District Band/Orchestra Elementary Holiday Concert

MONDAY, DEC. 12, 2011



Friday, December 2, 2011

Holiday Concert Information Sent Home.

Dear parents and guardians:

All of the band students were given an information sheet this week during rehearsal regarding our upcoming District Elementary Band/Orchestra Holiday Concert.  Please ask to see that sheet in their band folders.  This will give you all of the information that is necessary for the evening to run smoothly.  I am excited about this performance and look forward to having our band students play some holiday and seasonal favorites for you on Monday, Dec. 12. 

Keep encouraging their practice time at home as everyone's schedule seems to get busier during the holiday season!

Until next week....
Mr. Hubers

Friday, November 18, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!!

As the holiday season draws near, final preparations are being made for the Holiday Concert which will be held on Monday, Dec. 12, at 7:00pm.  This concert will include the 4th/5th grade orchestras and the 5th grade band.  It will be so exciting to see all of our orchestra and band students on stage at the same time!  The concert will take place in the Performing Arts Center. 

I would like the band students to 'dress up' for this performance and would like them to assemble in the high school band room by 6:45pm the evening of the concert.  Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns about our first performance!

I wish all of you a safe and happy Thanksgiving week!
Until next week,
Mr. Hubers

Friday, November 4, 2011

Keep working on Holiday Sheet Music for Concert!

The 5th grade band members will make their debut appearance at our annual Brandon Valley District Elementary Band/Orchestra Concert on Monday, Dec. 12, at 7:00pm.  The concert will be performed in the Performing Arts Center.  The band students have been working very hard on their new sheet music and are excited to perform for you!  Selections include some familiar holiday tunes such as 'Frosty the Snowman', 'Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow', and 'Ding Dong Merrily on High', as well as an upbeat arrangement entitled 'Rockin' Jingle Bells'. Other highlights of the concert will include 'The King's Flourish' - based on the familiar carol 'Good King Wenceslas', a 'Winter Medley' and a novelty selection entitled 'Christmas Elves in Santa's Workshop'.  Please encourage your child to continue practicing their sheet music as well as their lesson book materials. 
I look forward to seeing all of you at our first performance!
Until next week....
Mr. Hubers

Friday, October 14, 2011

End of the First Quarter Already!

It is difficult to believe that the first quarter is coming to an end already!  The students have made remarkable progress and are well on their way to becoming excellent musicians!  As the end of the quarter approaches, I will be listening to each student individually during their lesson time and filling out their progress reports.  The students will each play 4 assigned exercises and I will be listening for correct fingerings, correct rhythms and tone production.  I will also be looking for them to be tapping the steady beat.  The students will also be taking a fingering quiz on their first five notes during their first band rehearsal next week.  They will be asked to identify/label their notes and draw in the fingering for each one.

The students are also asked to complete an on-line rhythm quiz.  They received an information sheet this past week.  In the right hand column of the blog, their is a Musical Math Link that they are to click on.  In the right hand column, under 'Quizzes - Rhythm' they are to scroll down to the 'Rhythms Multiple Choice' quiz.  Click on this quiz, fill it out and print off.  The students are to turn this quiz in next week at their lesson. 

The students will also be receiving a packet of music for our Holiday Concert.  This concert is Monday, Dec. 12, in the Performing Arts Center.  Please make sure that you get this date on your calendar as the holidays get very busy!  You will not want to miss the 5th grade band's first major performance!!

Until next week...
Mr. Hubers

Friday, September 30, 2011

Conference Schedule

Parent-Teacher Conference time is already upon us!  I will be available to visit with you regarding your child's progress in 5th grade band next Tuesday during our conferences.  My schedule is as follows:

Brandon Elementary:  1:30-3:30
Robert Bennis Elementary:  3:30-5:30
Fred Assam Elementary:  6:30-9:00

Please feel free to stop in at any of the campuses to visit with me.  I look forward to meeting as many of you as I can during this time.  If you are not able to visit with me on Tuesday, do not hesitate to contact me via my school email ( any time!
Until next week, keep practicing.....
Mr. Hubers

Friday, September 23, 2011

5th Grade Band Progresses Past Their First Five Notes!

The 5th grade band members have been working very diligently on learning their first five notes and have moved on to their sixth and seventh notes!  Congratulations to the band members for their hard work and dedication to learning their instruments!  Please continue to encourage their practice routine at home, especially if they are having any difficulties with their first five notes.  Now is the time to make sure that they are staying current with the rest of the band members as the band progresses quite rapidly through the new material.  It is essential that the students master the concepts as they are introduced in order to keep making progress through the school year.  Please keep encouraging your child to play for you when they are practicing - you are their most important audience!
Until next week.....
Mr. Hubers

Friday, September 9, 2011

Excellent 2nd week of lessons!

I am so proud of the accomplishments of our 5th graders after their 2nd week of lessons.  Most of the beginners have been very conscientious about getting their 90 minutes of practice time in for each lesson!  This is so important during these beginning weeks to help the students master their first notes, music reading skills and rhythm skills.  I also sent home a note with each one of them with ways that you as parents/guardians can help them with their practice routines at home.  The initial practice routines will set them up for success on their instrument and make learning to make music a really fun activity for them!

I hope to see as many of them as possible at tonight's game as they will be marching with the Brandon Valley High School Marching Lynx prior to tonight's football game.  It is always alot of fun for the beginners to appear with the high school band members!

Until next week, keep practicing!!!
Mr. Hubers

Friday, September 2, 2011

5th grade Band to Appear with the High School Marching Lynx!

Our 5th grade band will be appearing with the High School Marching Lynx next week Friday, Sept. 9, prior to the Homecoming game.  The 5th grade band members are to assemble in the high school commons at 6:45pm.  They will then march with the high school band around the football field prior to kick-off.  The 5th graders are to wear blue jeans and 'Lynx' colors of top.   This is a great opportunity for our beginning instrumentalists to get a first-hand look at the high school marching band as they perform that evening!  Look forward to seeing you at the game!
Until next week....
Mr. Hubers

Friday, August 26, 2011

Great First Week of Rehearsals!

What an exciting week of 5th grade band!  I am very pleased with the accomplishments of the 5th grade band students this week.  We have also begun the small-group lessons as of Thursday.  We will be in full swing next week with all of our rehearsals and lessons meeting.  This group of beginners shows much potential and I am looking forward to all we will be able to accomplish together as the year progresses!  The most important thing that parents/guardians can do is to encourage your child to practice on their instrument consistently at home.  This is necessary to reinforce the concepts that we work on in rehearsal, to memorize fingerings and build up lip muscles.  Keep up the great work and effort!
Until next week....
Mr. Hubers

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Welcome To 5th Grade Band!!

It is time to get ready for a new year of band! 
The full band schedule is as follows:
Brandon Elementary: Monday and Tuesday (12:15-1:00)
Robert Bennis Elementary: Wednesday and Thursday (2:10-3:00)
Fred Assam Elementary: Thursday and Friday (9:25-10:15)
These are the full band reheasal times.  All of the students will also receive a 20-minute small group lesson each week.  We will plan on beginning the full band rehearsals on Tuesday, August 23, and will begin the lessons as soon as schedules are ready to go! 

I am so excited about a new group of beginning band members again this year!  We are in for an exciting adventure as we work to develop our talents and abilities this year in the band room.  Please check the blog for weekly updates, announcements and other pertinent information.  I will also be distributing a student handbook for the 5th grade band members with information regarding our beginning instrumental program in the Brandon Valley School District.  Check with your child over the next few weeks for this important information!

I'm looking forward to a great year of music-making!
Until next week...
Mr. Hubers

Monday, May 16, 2011

Congratulations on an Excellent School Year!

It is hard to believe that the school year is winding down and soon our 5th graders will move on to the Middle School to begin a new and exciting chapter in their lives!  Congratulations to them for all of their hard work and dedication to our beginning band program this past school year.  I was incredibly pleased with their performance at our Spring Concert last week - the students did an outstanding job both at the rehearsal and the evening performance.  Everything went very well.  The students also did well on their solo performances this past week for the high school directors.  Many of them put in alot of hours in preparation for this performance and they should be very proud of what they accomplished!  Keep reminding them to take their instruments out over the summer to keep lips in shape, fingerings memorized and playing skills honed!  I would recommend going to one of the music stores to find some 'fun' music that they would enjoy playing over the summer.  There are books for all different styles of music - pop, Disney, jazz, classical, sacred, etc. The important thing is to KEEP PLAYING OVER THE SUMMER!

Enjoy your well-deserved summer break and best wishes for the future 5th grade band members!
Until next time.....
Mr. Hubers

Friday, April 15, 2011

Concert Music in Excellent Shape!

In spite of the changes in the schedules this week due to testing, the 5th grade band members have really risen to the challenge of working on the finishing touches on their music for our Spring Concert!  I am very pleased with the progress of the students as our days together wind down.  We are to the last six rehearsals before our performance on Friday, May 6, at 7:00pm at the Performing Arts Center!   I would like all of the band students to be in the high school band room by 6:45 that evening and I ask that they 'dress up' for our final performance of the season.  We are preparing a wide variety of repertoire for our concert, ranging from familiar melodies such as 'Rondeau' (Theme from Masterpiece Theatre) and 'Joyful Rock' (based on Beethoven's Ode to Joy) to descriptive pieces such as 'Creatures in the Attic', 'Attack of the Garden Gnomes' and 'A Prehistoric Suite'.  We will also be performing a selection entitled 'Slideways' which features our trombone section and the ever-popular 'Star Wars'. 

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any concerns regarding our concert performance!
Until next week.....
Mr. Hubers

Friday, April 8, 2011

Recruitment for next year's beginners!

Time to start planning for next school year!  All of the district 4th graders received an information letter this week regarding our 5th grade band program.  Our current 5th grade band will be performing special assemblies for our 4th graders during the week of April 18-21 in which they will demonstrate the different instruments that comprise our 5th grade band.  The 4th graders will then receive a sheet on which they will list their top 3 choices of instruments that they would like to play.  The following week, they will be given an opportunity to try to produce a tone on those different instruments and I will work to match them up with the instrument they are interested in and be the most successful with.  Our beginning band open house is scheduled for Monday, May 2, from 3:00-5:00pm in the band room at the Robert Bennis Campus.  It is always exciting to look forward to next year's group and begin making plans for next year!

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions regarding the recruitment procedure!
Until next week....
Mr. Hubers

Friday, March 25, 2011

March Over Already??

With the end of March rapidly approaching, plans are being made for the remainder of our school year together.  Please note that our District Elementary Spring Band/Orchestra Concert will be held on Friday, May 6 at the Performing Arts Center.  The concert will begin at 7:00pm.  All students are expected to be at this final performance of our 5th grade year together.  Band solos will also be performed during the month of May.  All of the students received their solo and we have begun working on them during their small group lessons this week.  Many of the band students already have a good beginning on their solo!  I have been very impressed with their diligence in learning their new music.  Congratulations to them!

We will also begin our recruitment for next year's 5th grade band this coming month.  Many things to do yet before our summer break!  Keep encouraging the practice time as the school year begins to wind down!
Until next week.....
Mr. Hubers

Friday, March 18, 2011

Time for Solos!

All of the band students received a solo this week to begin working on for this Spring.  The students will perform their solo for one of the high school band directors, Mr. Kessler or Mr. Miller.  This is not a competition, the students will be receiving a comment sheet from the high school director listing things they are doing really well along with suggestions for making their playing even better.  They will be performed during the school day and all parents/grandparents/guardians are invited to listen to their child play.  I will be sending home a schedule for their performances when we get the dates picked out.  They will be played during the month of May.  In the meantime, please encourage your child in their practice at home, especially when the weather gets nicer and it is more and more difficult to stay indoors!

Just a reminder:  our Spring Concert performance is Friday, May 6, 2001, at 7:00pm in the Performing Arts Center.  All students are expected to be at this final performance of the school year!  Mark your calendars - you will not want to miss this concert!

Until next week....
Mr. Hubers

Friday, March 11, 2011

Progress Reports Completed! Solos Coming!

The progress reports for the 3rd quarter should go home with the report cards today.  Congratulations to the band members, most of them came very well prepared to their lessons this week and did very well playing for me individually.  During the 4th quarter, we will continue to build on the skills they already possess as we work to finish our band method book and prepare for our Spring Concert.  This year's concert will be on Friday, May 6, 2011.  Please mark your calendars to avoid any conflicts with the date.  It is very important that all band members are present for our final performance of the year!

Each band member will be receiving a solo to play later on this season.  The students will be performing their selections for one of the high school band directors in May.  This is not a competition, but rather the students will receive written comments from the band director.  This is an excellent opportunity for the students to gain experience performing a solo without the pressure of competition.  I will accompany all of the students on piano, so you will not need to find an accompanist.  The solos are performed during the school day and parents/grandparents are invited to come in and listen to their child perform.  I will send home a schedule when we get closer to the performance dates.

Please keep encouraging your child to practice as the weather gets nicer and it is harder to stay indoors!
Until next week.....
Mr. Hubers

Friday, March 4, 2011

End of 3rd Quarter Already!

Where has the time gone again?  It seems as if we just finished up our first semester and now we are already finishing the 3rd quarter!  Before we realize it, our 5th graders will be moving on to the middle school!  I will be listening to the students play individually during their lesson time this coming week and will fill out progress reports for them again.  The reports will go home with their report cards.  I have also sent home a sheet about having your child play for an adult again.  Hopefully you will be as pleased as I am with what you hear from them when they play for you.  Many of the band students have worked very diligently to develop their talents on their instruments and will definitely be ready to move on to the middle school band program.  The band students also received 7 new pieces of sheet music to work on for their Spring Concert this week.  There is no shortage of music for them to be practicing on for the upcoming weeks!

Until next week....
Mr. Hubers

Friday, February 25, 2011

Spring Concert Music handed out next week!

All of our new literature for our Spring Concert has arrived and is ready to be handed out to the band students at their second large group rehearsal this coming week!  I am excited to begin working on the music and I'm sure that the students will enjoy the variety of musical styles that they will be introduced to in the music.  The selections were chosen to reinforce all of the different musical concepts that the band students have been working on so far this year.  Along with learning new notes and new rhythms, this quarter, we will also be focusing more on interpretation in our music - dynamics, articulations, etc! 

Don't forget to ask your child about their new sheet music this coming week!
Until next week......
Mr. Hubers

Friday, February 11, 2011

Back to normal?

Hopefully, we are finished with snow days, late starts and early outs!  It has been difficult the past few weeks to maintain a regular rehearsal and lesson schedule.  Please remind your child to continue to practice even if their lesson has been missed that week due to weather related issues!  The band students can always review previous material that they have learned if they are uncertain about the new pages in their lesson book.  They can also play through the selections that we have worked on in our 'First Performance' book.  They could even review old sheet music selections that they have - just keep them playing!!  This will allow them to continue building their lip muscles and to reinforce fingerings and rhythms.

Until next week....
Mr. Hubers

Friday, February 4, 2011

Conference Time Again!

It is time for conferences again!  The elementary conferences are Monday, Feb. 7, 2011.   My conference schedule is as follows:
Brandon Elementary:  1:30-3:30
Robert Bennis Elementary:  3:30-5:30
Fred Assam Elementary:  6:30-9:00

Please feel free to stop by at any of the campuses to visit with me regarding your child's progress in 5th grade band.  If you are not able to visit with me, please feel free to email me at school ( with any concerns that you may have!  I look forward to seeing you again! 

Just a reminder to help your child maintain a regular practice schedule at home!  Until next week....

Mr. Hubers

Friday, January 28, 2011

Interesting Research Quote

I came across this interesting bit of research this past week that I wanted to pass along to you.  This is quoting B. Friedman and his research entitled 'An Evaluation of the Achievement in Reading and Arithmetic of Pupils in Elementary School Instrumental Music Classes'.  He goes on to say that "Music students always outperform non-music students on achievement tests in reading and math.  Because of their study of music, their skills are better in reading, anticipating, memory, listening, forecasting, recall and concentration." 

Being involved in instrumental music has so many rewards, besides the intellectual developments that it fosters.  Band students really do have to function as a team in order to really do well on their music.  This sense of cooperation and committment to a group is of great importance in building their self-esteem.  Band students are always involved in the music-making and learning process, whereas a student can give up on a test, forget to hand in an assigment or let his/her mind drift during a lecture, band students are always actively involved and taking ownership in their learning!  The benefits of being involved in making music may not always be seen immediately, but they can certainly last a lifetime!!

Until next week....
Mr. Hubers

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Back to Work!

     The 5th grade band students are back to work after our brief hiatus for the holiday break!  We have already learned 5 more notes since the beginning of January and are also playing in different key signatures and have begun to read 16th note rhythm patterns with great accuracy! 
     As we continue through the third quarter, we will focus on mastering as many new concepts as we can from our band method book as well as work through numerous band arrangements found in our 'First Performance' book.  They will also be receiving some sheet music examples which will correlate with some of the concepts that we are covering in our books.   We began reading through the 'Star Wars Theme' this week as it uses many of the new high notes that we learned on page 22 in our 'Standard of Excellence' book.  We have really enjoyed playing this piece this week and the band students are doing really well on it already.
     It can be very challenging to keep the students practicing during the months of January and February, but please continue to encourage their practice routine at home so we can continue progressing on our instruments!
     Until next week.....
Mr. Hubers

Friday, January 14, 2011

Music Students Are Scoring!!

According to The College Board (1997):  Music students are outperforming non-music students on the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT).  College-bound seniors with coursework or experience in music performance scored 52 points higher in the verbal portion and 37 points higher on the math portion of the SAT than students with no coursework or experience in the arts. 

These are some pretty impressive figures from the College Board!  What better way to give your child a jump-start on their academic careers than by being involved in music!  Keep encouraging their practice at home, especially now during the 'January Slump' as I like to refer to it.  The months of January and February can be taxing as we try to keep the momentum going that we had as we were preparing for our Holiday Concert - but don't give up, it will be well worth it!!  Until next week.....
Mr. Hubers

Friday, January 7, 2011

Back Into the Swing of Things....

Our holiday break seems like a distant memory and it is now time to get back into the swing of things in the band room!  Our main goal this 3rd quarter is to master as many of the concepts presented in the rest of the 'Standard of Excellence' book as we are able.  Progress reports will go home today (Friday) with all of the band students.  Many students still received a '3 - needs to work on this'  rating in regard to tone production.  Tone production is a major component of instrumental music and is something that is worked on constantly throughout one's playing career - so keep up the good work and strive to get better every time you take out your instrument!  Make sure that you are setting your sights high in regard to your goals this semester and let's make as much progress as we can working together the rest of the school year.  Until next week......
Mr. Hubers