Friday, April 13, 2012

Testing Week is Over!

Now that the Dakota Step testing week is over, we can get back to regular routine and schedule for next week!  We have had some excellent full band rehearsals this week, but it will be great to see the lessons again this coming week! 

The band students will be performing their solo for Mr. Kessler from the high school on the following days:

Brandon Elementary:  Tuesday, May 8
Robert Bennis Elementary:  Wednesday, May 9
Fred Assam Elementary:  Thursday, May 10

Parents/guardians/grandparents are invited to come in and listen to their family member perform their solo!  I will be sending home the schedules for the various campuses this coming week so you can make plans to attend if you so choose!

Until next week, keep practicing......
Mr. Hubers

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Happy Easter Break!

Easter Break is here already!  Due to testing next week, we will not be having private/group lessons during the day, but we will be having the full band rehearsals throughout the week!!   This will still allow us to work on our sheet music for our upcoming Spring Concert.  Please continue to practice your solos as well.  All of the band students have been making excellent progress on their individual selections and I look forward to hearing them perform for Mr. Kessler!

Enjoy your break from school and good luck with testing next week!
Until next week....
Mr. Hubers