Friday, January 25, 2013

Conference Time

The band students have been working very hard since we have come back from our holiday break!  I am so pleased with their progress in their Standard of Excellence book and First Performance book.  Many of them have memorized their B flat Concert Scale also.  We use this in our daily warmups, incorporating different rhythm patterns, articulations and dynamics in our scale work.

Our second semester conference times are rapidly approaching.  The elementary conferences will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 12.  My conference schedule between buildings is as follows:

Brandon Elementary:  1:30-3:30
Robert Bennis Elementary:  3:30-5:30
Fred Assam Elementary:  6:30-9:00

Please feel free to stop in at whichever campus is most convenient for you and your schedule!

Until next week, keep practicing.....
Mr. Hubers

Friday, January 11, 2013

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to our second semester of beginning band!  The students came back rested and ready to continue learning new things on their instruments.  Most of them were able to get in some quality practice time over the holiday break and just picked up where we left off last month.  We are going to continue working out of our Standard of Excellence book for the next few months before we begin looking at sheet music for our Spring Concert.  This will allow us time to work on some new rhythms, fingerings and playing techniques, as well as reinforce concepts worked on during our first semester.  We will also be using our 'First Performance' book. This collection features a wide variety of music styles which the students will enjoy playing during our rehearsals. 

Watch for upcoming announcements regarding our Spring Concert as we are looking at a few options to alleviate the crowded, 'standing room only' conditions at our Holiday Concert. 

Until next week, keep practicing....
Mr. Hubers